I had never worked with anything like bitsy before this so the process of planning it was a challenge. I drew on a sheet of paper a rough idea of what I wanted each room wanted to look like and wrote some bullet points of what the sprites might have to say.  It was a lot harder to make my actual game come out the way I had drawn it on paper because of the limited amount you could do with the pixels which was kind of frustrating but I tried to just make it work.  Another thing that helped with the planning was to start a couple of games first to see which idea would be easiest to do with the tools bitsy has. Honestly, the most challenging thing for me was the exits. I knew how to do it from the tutorial but I think my game had a bug in it or something (according to a forum online)  because it would not let me select a tile to create a exits and I ended up having to restart bitsy and then it finally worked. I also found that this being an "environmental storytelling" assignment was also a challenge for me because I am used to just writing everything out so the visual aspect of this was a big adjustment as well. 

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